Earn up to

Earn up to

15% APY

15% APY

Borrow USDh against sBTC

Borrow USDh against

Borrow USDh against sBTC


Get Started

  1. Supply sBTC to Zest Protocol

Supply sBTC to Zest, the leading lending protocol

  1. Borrow USDh against sBTC

Borrow USDh on Zest

  1. Stake USDh for up to 25% Yield

Stake USDh on Hermetica

Get Started

Get Started

  1. Buy USDh

  1. Supply sBTC to Zest Protocol

  1. Supply sBTC to Zest Protocol

Available on Bitcoin exchanges  

Supply sBTC to Zest, the leading lending protocol

Supply sBTC to Zest, the leading lending protocol

  1. Stake for up to 25% APY

  1. Borrow USDh against sBTC

  1. Borrow USDh against sBTC

Stake USDh and start earning

Borrow USDh on Zest

Borrow USDh on Zest

  1. Use in Bitcoin DeFi

  1. Stake USDh for up to 25% Yield

  1. Stake USDh for up to 25% Yield

Stake USDh and start earning

Stake USDh on Hermetica

Stake USDh on Hermetica

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